Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
673 lines
{$IFDEF ver50}
{$A-,B-,D-,E+,F-,I+,L-,N-,O-,R-,S+,V+} (* MUST REMOVE FOR TP4 *)
{$R-,S-,I+,D-,T+,F-,V+,B-,N-,L+ }
UNIT txtfiles;
(* Kluges to replace missing STANDARD constructs in Turbo *)
(* Unfortunately these routines cannot be overloaded, as *)
(* are the standard procedures, and must also be referred *)
(* to by new (but similar) names. A proper system imple- *)
(* mentation would avoid these nuisances. *)
(* With this module in place text input can be programmed *)
(* with STANDARD Pascal semantics. The resultant source *)
(* is then portable to any ISO standard system with a *)
(* minimum of fuss. It is bad enough to have to alter std *)
(* procedure names, but absolutely impossible to have to *)
(* rethink the entire i/o process. *)
(* Note that "exists" and "readx" are inserted underneath *)
(* the standard implementations of "reset" and "read". *)
(* These extensions are not normally available in ISO std. *)
(* 1.20 Added filename, page, prompt, overprint. *)
(* 1.10 Added stdin, stdout, stderr, blockdev to report *)
(* on any redirection imposed or general destination *)
(* Copyright (c) 1988 by C.B. Falconer, *)
(* 680 Hartford Tpk., *)
(* Hamden, Ct 06517 (203) 281-1438 *)
(* All rights reserved. *)
(* This is NOT free software, but SHAREWARE. If you use *)
(* this after a suitable test period (1 month suggested) *)
(* you must register it, for a fee of $20. This will *)
(* entitle you to a reasonable amount of telephone advice *)
(* (on your paid call) and future upgrades and support. *)
(* I will also supply registered owners with the source so *)
(* that they can recompile for 80x87 processors. *)
(* The compiled TPU supplied was compiled under Turbo *)
(* Pascal 4, without using any numeric processor. Thus *)
(* it is incompatible with programs using the 80x87. *)
(* This module functions with Turbo Pascal 4.0. *)
(* No warranty whatsover is made, and C.B. Falconer will *)
(* not be liable for any damages or failures. *)
(* If you use this module with the CRT unit, the EOF char *)
(* (CTL-Z) will never appear, UNLESS your program does *)
(* checkeof := true; somewhere before using this *)
(* A note on naming: *)
(* All replacement read procedures are either READ???? or *)
(* READX??? functions. The read procedures abort the *)
(* program on invalid input, while the readx functions *)
(* return TRUE for any error. The ??? is INT, WD, LONG *)
(* or REAL, depending on the input type desired. *)
USES dos;
fntype = string[80]; (* holds a complete file name *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION existxt(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* Exists is a standard feature of PascalP. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE get(VAR f : text);
(* since Turbo never supplied it, we can use the original name *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE filename(VAR f : text; VAR fn : fntype);
(* Highly Turbo specific. This allows other procedures/functions *)
(* to extract the filename when passed only the actual file. You *)
(* thus do not need to retain a user supplied name elsewhere. *)
(* THIS IS NOT A FUNCTION - thus can be ported to Std. Systems. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE page(VAR f : text); (* Missing in Turbo *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE overprint(VAR f : text);
(* Next line overprints this one. Use like "writeln" *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE prompt(VAR f : text);
(* Forces buffer flushing without eoln. Null in Turbo. *)
(* For logical equivalence with output buffered systems *)
(* If your source uses this whenever prompting the user *)
(* the code will be portable to other Pascal systems. *)
(* e.g "write(Enter your name:); prompt(output);" *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION version(show : boolean) : integer;
(* returns the version number. Show causes a console message *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION fptr(VAR f : text) : char;
(* Allows replacing the STANDARD construct f^ by "fptr(f)" *)
(* A proper system implementation actually returns a pointer *)
(* so that "f^ := char" is possible. Not allowed here. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE skipblks(VAR f : text);
(* Skips blanks, but NOT eolns until first non-blank char *)
(* A tab is considerd a blank. Must be separated due to the *)
(* non-standard Turbo eoln implementation. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE skipwhite(VAR f : text);
(* skips blanks and eolns until first non-blank char *)
(* This hides the lack of f^ = ' ' in Turbo when eoln is true *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxwd(VAR f : text; VAR w : word) : boolean;
(* returns true for input error, when fptr(f) is bad char *)
(* Replacement for standard read(word) with error checks. *)
(* Unlike Turbo, reading terminates on the 1st non digit, *)
(* but only after leading blanks have been skipped. *)
(* A feature of PascalP for reals/integers/words (readx). *)
(* Note that, apart from the non-standard Std procedure *)
(* nomenclature, this is written entirely in STD Pascal. *)
(* On exit fptr(f) will return the terminating character *)
(* On overflow input is scanned to a non-numeric char. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxint(VAR f : text; VAR i : integer) : boolean;
(* returns true for input error, when fptr(f) is bad char *)
(* Replacement for standard read(integer) with error chks *)
(* Unlike Turbo, reading terminates on the 1st non digit, *)
(* but only after leading blanks and (optional) sign have *)
(* been skipped. A feature of PascalP for reals/integers *)
(* Note that, apart from the non-standard Std procedure *)
(* nomenclature, this is written entirely in STD Pascal. *)
(* On exit fptr(f) will return the terminating character *)
(* On overflow input is scanned to a non-numeric char. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readint(VAR f : text; VAR i : integer);
(* replacement for STANDARD Pascal read(f, integer), which is *)
(* defined to cause a system error and halt on invalid input. *)
(* Unlike Turbo, reading terminates on the 1st non digit, but *)
(* only after leading blanks and (optional) sign have been *)
(* skipped. Again, written in STD Pascal. *)
(* On exit fptr(f) will return the terminating character. *)
(* On overflow input is scanned to a non-numeric character. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readwd(VAR f : text; VAR w : word);
(* This does not exist in STANDARD Pascal (only integer), but *)
(* this is how it would look if it did. This is defined to *)
(* cause a system error and halt on invalid input. *)
(* Unlike Turbo, reading terminates on the 1st non digit, but *)
(* only after leading blanks and (optional) sign have been *)
(* skipped. Again, written in STD Pascal. *)
(* On exit fptr(f) will return the terminating character. *)
(* On overflow input is scanned to a non-numeric character. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxlong(VAR f : text; VAR l : longint) : boolean;
(* Just like readxint, but for longints. Always signed. *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxreal(VAR f : text; VAR r : real) : boolean;
(* Again, like readxint, but for reals. Also see readreal below *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readreal(VAR f : text; VAR r : real);
(* Replacement for the standard read(f, r : real), which aborts *)
(* on bad entries. As in STD Pascal, the real is terminated by *)
(* the first character which cannot be a part of the value, and *)
(* fptr(f) accesses that terminating character. Note that this *)
(* can accept an unlimited length string of digits, eg leading *)
(* zeroes, and trailing zeroes after the decimal pt, none of *)
(* which really affect the value. Leading blanks and eolns are *)
(* skipped. Action on real over/underflow depends on the system *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION blockdev(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* Is the file attached to a disk file *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stdin(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* Is the file attached to the console device for input *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stdout(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* is the file attached to the console device for output *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stderr(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* is the file attached to the monitor for output *)
CONST (* really initialized variables *)
digs : SET OF char = ['0'..'9'];
signs : SET OF char = ['+', '-'];
errornum : integer = 0;
errorat : pointer = NIL;
saverrproc : pointer = NIL;
ver = 120;
copyrite = ' Copyright (c) 1988 by C.B. Falconer';
chrdev = $80; (* 0 bit implies file (block) device *)
istdin = $01;
istdout = $02;
istderr = $04;
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION version(show : boolean) : integer;
(* returns the version number. Show causes a console message *)
BEGIN (* version *)
version := ver;
write('TXTFILES module Version ', ver DIV 100 : 1, '.');
IF ver MOD 100 < 10 THEN write('0');
writeln(ver MOD 100, '.', copyrite); END;
END; (* version *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION existxt(VAR f : text) : boolean;
BEGIN (* existxt *)
reset(f); {$i+}
existxt := ioresult = 0;
END; (* existxt *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE filename(VAR f : text; VAR fn : fntype);
(* Highly Turbo specific *)
textbuf = ARRAY[0..127] OF char;
textrec = RECORD
handle : word; (* MSDOS file handle *)
mode : word; (* 0=read, 1=write, 2=rdwrt *)
bufsize : word; (* of textbuf *)
private : word;
bufpos : word; (* next char pointer *)
bufend : word; (* size of buffer valide *)
bufptr : ^textbuf; (* location, may not be buffer below *)
openfunc : pointer; (* pointers to routines, normally *)
inoutfunc : pointer; (* in system unit, but may not be *)
flushfunc : pointer;
closefunc : pointer;
(* reuse the userdata field for ISO std i/o semantics (plan) *)
getpends : boolean; (* assumed initialized to false *)
eolnflag : boolean; (* so we can have fchar = ' ' *)
eoflag : boolean; (* delay so final get functions *)
fchar : char;
userdata : ARRAY[5..16] OF byte; (* available *)
name : ARRAY[0..79] OF char;
buffer : textbuf;
END; (* textrec *)
i : integer;
BEGIN (* filename *)
fn := ''; i := 0;
WHILE (i < 79) AND (textrec(f).name[i] <> chr(0)) DO BEGIN
fn := concat(fn, textrec(f).name[i]); i := succ(i); END;
END; (* filename *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE page(VAR f : text); (* Missing in Turbo *)
BEGIN (* page *)
write(f, chr(12));
END; (* page *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE overprint(VAR f : text);
(* Next line overprints this one *)
BEGIN (* overprint *)
write(f, chr(13));
END; (* overprint *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE prompt(VAR f : text);
(* forces buffer flushing without eoln *)
BEGIN (* prompt *)
END; (* prompt *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE get(VAR f : text);
(* Together with fptr below, implements the ISO/ANSI semantics *)
junk : char;
BEGIN (* get *)
read(f, junk); (* discarding the old value of fptr *)
END; (* get *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION fptr(VAR f : text) : char;
(* A replacement for the ISO/ANSI Standard Pascal operation f^ *)
(* With this it is possible to build well behaved input routines *)
(* to convert text to integers, reals, etc. and avoid crashies *)
(* on erroneous user input. The standard usage of f^ = ' ' at *)
(* EOF is not implemented, because of Turbos internal operation. *)
eofmark = 26; (* 01ah = CTL-Z *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION fptrc(VAR f : text) : char;
(* For this to function, on a text file, you MUST call eof(f) *)
(* first, which ensures the char is present in the internal *)
(* file buffer. This procedure extracts it. *)
$5f/ {pop di; ^file (off) }
$07/ {pop es (seg) }
$26/ $8B/ $5D/ $08/ {mov bx,es:[di+8]; buffer index }
$26/ $C4/ $7D/ $0C/ {les di,es:[di+0ch]; ^buffer }
$26/ $8A/ $01); {mov al,es:[bx+di]; get char }
(* 2---------------2 *)
BEGIN (* fptr *)
IF eof(f) {$i+} THEN fptr := chr(eofmark)
ELSE IF ioresult <> 0 THEN fptr := chr(eofmark)
ELSE fptr := fptrc(f);
END; (* fptr *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE skipblks(VAR f : text);
ch : char;
BEGIN (* skipblks *)
ch := fptr(f);
WHILE (ch = ' ') OR (ch = chr(9)) DO BEGIN
get(f); ch := fptr(f); END;
END; (* skipblks *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE skipwhite(VAR f : text);
BEGIN (* skipwhite *)
REPEAT (* caution - Turbo returns eoln at eof *)
IF eoln(f) AND NOT eof(f) THEN readln(f);
UNTIL eof(f) OR NOT eoln(f);
END; (* skipwhite *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxwd(VAR f : text; VAR w : word) : boolean;
digit : word;
BEGIN (* readxwd *)
digs := ['0'..'9'];
readxwd := true; w := 0; value := 0; (* default error *)
IF fptr(f) IN digs THEN readxwd := false; (* found value *)
WHILE fptr(f) IN digs DO BEGIN
digit := ord(fptr(f)) - ord('0');
IF (value < 6553) OR ((value = 6553) AND (digit < 6)) THEN
value := 10 * value + digit
ELSE readxwd := true; (* overflow *)
get(f); END;
w := value; END;
END; (* readxwd *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxint(VAR f : text; VAR i : integer) : boolean;
negative : boolean;
value : word;
BEGIN (* readxint *)
readxint := true; i := 0; negative := false; (* default error *)
value := 0; negative := false;
IF fptr(f) IN signs THEN BEGIN (* absorbing any '+' *)
negative := fptr(f) = '-'; get(f); END;
IF fptr(f) IN digs THEN (* found value *)
readxint := readxwd(f, value);
IF negative AND (value <= 32768) THEN i := -value
ELSE IF value <= 32767 THEN i := value
ELSE readxint := true; END; (* overflow *)
END; (* readxint *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION callersaddr : pointer;
(* relies on the fact that bp always points to the return addr *)
(* and that this is a FAR return, i.e. via an entry to a unit. *)
$C4/ $46/ $02/ {les ax,[bp+2] }
$8C/ $C2); {mov dx,es; now dx:ax is address}
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readint(VAR f : text; VAR i : integer);
BEGIN (* readint *)
IF readxint(f, i) THEN BEGIN (* invalid numeric format error *)
errorat := callersaddr; errornum := 106;
halt(errornum); END;
END; (* readint *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readwd(VAR f : text; VAR w : word);
BEGIN (* readwd *)
IF readxwd(f, w) THEN BEGIN (* invalid numeric format error *)
errorat := callersaddr; errornum := 106;
halt(errornum); END;
END; (* readwd *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxlong(VAR f : text; VAR l : longint) : boolean;
threshold = 214748363;
negative : boolean;
digit : integer;
value : longint;
BEGIN (* readxlong *)
readxlong := true; l := 0; negative := false; (* default error *)
value := 0; negative := false;
IF fptr(f) IN signs THEN BEGIN (* absorbing any '+' *)
negative := fptr(f) = '-'; get(f); END;
IF fptr(f) IN digs THEN BEGIN (* found value *)
readxlong := false; (* no error unless overflow *)
WHILE fptr(f) IN digs DO BEGIN
digit := ord(fptr(f)) - ord('0');
IF value <= threshold THEN value := value * 10 + digit
ELSE readxlong := true; (* overflow *)
get(f); END;
IF negative THEN l := -value
ELSE l := value; END;
END; (* readxlong *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION readxreal(VAR f : text; VAR r : real) : boolean;
(* true for error *)
LABEL 10; (* error exit *)
significand : longint;
exponent : integer;
decpt : integer;
minus : boolean;
BEGIN (* readxreal *)
minus := false; r := 0.0; readxreal := true; havedigit := false;
significand := 0; decpt := 0; exponent := 0; (* defaults *)
maxsig := $7ffffff5 DIV 10; (* before nextch can overflow *)
IF fptr(f) IN signs THEN BEGIN
minus := fptr(f) = '-'; get(f); END;
IF fptr(f) IN digs + ['.'] THEN BEGIN
readxreal := false; (* should be able to get a value *)
WHILE (fptr(f) IN digs) AND (significand < maxsig) DO BEGIN
significand := significand * 10 + (ord(fptr(f)) - ord('0'));
havedigit := true; get(f); END;
WHILE fptr(f) IN digs DO BEGIN (* gobble non-significants *)
decpt := succ(decpt); get(f); END;
IF fptr(f) = '.' THEN BEGIN
IF NOT (havedigit OR (fptr(f) IN digs)) THEN BEGIN
readxreal := true; GOTO 10; END
WHILE (fptr(f) IN digs) AND (significand < maxsig) DO BEGIN
significand := significand * 10 + (ord(fptr(f)) - ord('0'));
decpt := pred(decpt); get(f); END;
WHILE fptr(f) IN digs DO get(f); END; (* eat non-significants *)
(* now have to worry about E+-nn appended *)
IF fptr(f) IN ['E', 'e'] THEN BEGIN
IF NOT (fptr(f) IN digs + signs) THEN BEGIN
readxreal := true; GOTO 10; END
ELSE IF readxint(f, exponent) THEN BEGIN
readxreal := true; GOTO 10; END;
(* Now we have valid significand, decpt, exponent *)
exponent := exponent + decpt;
r := significand;
WHILE exponent > 0 DO BEGIN
r := 10.0 * r; exponent := pred(exponent); END;
WHILE exponent < 0 DO BEGIN
r := r / 10.0; exponent := succ(exponent); END;
IF minus THEN r := -r; END;
10: END; (* readxreal *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE readreal(VAR f : text; VAR r : real);
BEGIN (* readreal *)
IF readxreal(f, r) THEN BEGIN (* invalid numeric format error *)
errorat := callersaddr; errornum := 106;
halt(errornum); END;
END; (* readreal *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE txterrproc; (* MUST be a FAR procedure *)
errorptr : RECORD
offset : integer;
segment : integer;
BEGIN (* txterrproc *)
exitproc := saverrproc;
IF errornum <> 0 THEN BEGIN
exitcode := errornum;
writeln('Invalid numerical entry or overflow ');
errorptr.segment := errorptr.segment - prefixseg - 16;
erroraddr := errorat; END;
END; (* txterrproc *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION qfstatus(VAR f; VAR s : integer) : boolean;
(* returns false if file not open or open for random access *)
ff : text ABSOLUTE f;
regs : registers;
BEGIN (* qfstatus *)
qfstatus := false; (* default *)
WITH regs, textrec(ff) DO
IF (mode = fminput) OR (mode = fmoutput) OR (mode = fminout) THEN BEGIN
ax := $4400; bx := handle;
msdos(regs); (* get device info *)
IF (flags AND fcarry) = 0 THEN BEGIN
qfstatus := true; s := integer(dx); END;
END; (* qfstatus *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION blockdev(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* Is the file attached to a disk file *)
fstatus : integer;
BEGIN (* blockdev *)
IF qfstatus(f, fstatus) THEN
blockdev := ((fstatus AND chrdev = 0))
ELSE blockdev := false;
END; (* blockdev *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stdin(VAR f : text) : boolean;
(* Is the file attached to the console device *)
fstatus : integer;
BEGIN (* stdin *)
IF qfstatus(f, fstatus) THEN
stdin := ((fstatus AND chrdev <> 0)) AND
((fstatus AND istdin) <> 0)
ELSE stdin := false;
END; (* stdin *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stdout(VAR f : text) : boolean;
fstatus : integer;
BEGIN (* stdout *)
IF qfstatus(f, fstatus) THEN
stdout := ((fstatus AND chrdev <> 0)) AND
((fstatus AND istdout) <> 0)
ELSE stdout := false;
END; (* stdout *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION stderr(VAR f : text) : boolean;
fstatus : integer;
BEGIN (* stderr *)
IF qfstatus(f, fstatus) THEN
stderr := ((fstatus AND chrdev <> 0)) AND
((fstatus AND istderr) <> 0)
ELSE stderr := false;
END; (* stderr *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
BEGIN (* txtfiles initialization routine *)
saverrproc := exitproc; exitproc := addr(txterrproc);
IF version(false) <> ver THEN halt;
END. (* txtfiles *)